Our Beef
Our organic, 100% grass fed, additive free beef is all reared on our organic farm.
Each year, a dairy cow needs to have a calf in order to produce milk. We keep all of our calves that are born to each cow on the farm. The girls (heifers) are raised to enter the dairy herd and the males (steers) are reared for our organic Guernsey grass fed beef.
Our beef is rich in marbling and high in Beta Carotene, the flavour is deep and buttery.
The beef has won numerous awards over the years including Great Taste, Q Awards and BOOM Awards.
Our organic beef is now available at set times of the year. If you would like to be added to the email notification list, please email organics@browncoworganics.co.uk
Please see the How to Order page for more information.
Raising our Guernsey herd on nutrient-rich herbs and grasses that are grown from fertile soil
ensures the minerals and trace elements are retained in our organic beef.
We analysed and compared the nutritional data on our own grass-fed beef with others. The
results are detailed below with Brown Cow Organics beef higher in trace elements in
comparison with other beef and with a favourable Omega 3:6 ratio.
* McCance & Widdowson's